Monday, June 27, 2016

Uncle Tim. Again.

So what's up with Uncle Tim? Stinky asks rhetorically. He says things like, "I went to the church bazaar to see a two-headed priest" and "The bakery was out of  Napoleons, so they gave me a Bismark."  Does this even make sense? Is he trying to be funny, or, due to his advanced age (nearly fifty-five), perhaps he is going senile? Stinky asks again, maybe not so rhetorically.

The other day I asked him if cursive should be taught in school, and he said absolutely not. He said if parents wanted to teach their kids naughty language, that's one thing, but it's not the responsibility of the teachers. See what I mean? Stinky is just a little worried.

Well, he is old. He says things like "nineteen-ought-six", and he remembers a world before Pringle's Potato Chips. He laughs uncontrollably when he tries describing something called "Wacky Packages", and he thinks bicycle helmets are a Communist conspiracy. The helmets are lined with fluorocarbons, which cause sterility and rickets, or some such mishegoss.

And yet there are moments of lucidity. He contributes movie reviews to a site called Unrated Film (spoiler alert: not all the movies reviewed within are unrated), and unlike his everyday conversations, his reviews are thoughtful and informative.  Stinky has nothing but respect for someone, even Uncle Tim, who can turn out several thousand words on  a Robert Wagner movie. You're a better man than I, Gunga Din. Or as Uncle Tim once said, "You can call me Gunga Din, just don't call me late for Gunga Dinner."

See? Stinky is worried.

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