Stinky Fitzwizzle, the world's most celebrated and prominent self-proclaimed musicologist, is not necessarily proud to admit that until a few days ago, he had never heard of Margie Singleton. Perhaps Stinky does not get out as often as he should. But Ms. Singleton's country music songwriting, recording and performing career spanning sixty years, including the original recording of
Harper Valley PTA, is nothing at which to sneeze. And at the current moment, Stinky is not sneezing.
True to his obsessive nature, Stinky happened upon this version of his newest new favorite song, Harlan Howard's
Too Many Rivers, after listening to many versions on what the kids these days are calling the youtube. Some were quite good, several made his ears hurt. After lengthy deliberation lasting nearly a couple of minutes, Stinky has chosen his favorite version, recorded in 1965 by the titular Margie Singleton. Stinky hopes he is saying that correctly.
Margie! |
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