Monday, May 1, 2017

George Gobel Yodels!

Stinky has to admit that he is not an especial fan of the art of the yodeling, but these days, whenever Stinky gets a hankerin', nearly all of his yodeling requirements are met by George Gobel. Here's a clip from 1966 of good ol' Lonesome George singing a Jimmie Davis tune, Sweethearts or Strangers. If you listen closely, you will hear an enthusiastic "ahh ha!" from the wings, likely from Dean Martin. George does his best not to titter.

George's comedy bit was probably excised from the middle of the song to make room for additional hi-jinks and frivolity, accounting for that snazzy video edit.

Credits were added by the person who posted this clip on the YouTube. Stinky assumes this person is very pleased with himself.

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