Monday, May 15, 2017

Jiggers! The Professor!

Here's a clip from 1930's Good News that always makes Stinky laugh. Always, as in for the last three days.

Doing The Varsity Drag is Dorothy McNulty. Stinky is no expert - a phrase rarely heard uttered - but McNulty's voice probably owes something to Helen Kane. But to describe that dancing, Stinky does not possess the syllables.

At first glance, Stinky thought perhaps that was a stunt-person doing those cartwheels; but no, that is Miss McNulty.

About eight years later, Dorothy McNulty changed her name to Penny Singleton, was cast as Blondie Bumstead, and later Jane Jetson,  thereby changing cinematic history and Stinky's heart forever.

And yes, that is Harry Earles popping out of the waste paper basket and ruining even the simplest of dance moves.

Blondie!! Stinky's latest crush.

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