Friday, January 31, 2014

Daily Journal

Loyal readers of this blog will no doubt be aware of the situation concerning me and my archenemy, otherwise known as "Mom", who unilaterally decreed that I should remain in my room until I capitulate, and see "the errors of my ways". Following is a day by day account of my exciting and true adventures battling the evil warlord who imprisoned me in my very own bedroom for merely exercising my freedom of speech.

Monday. Day the first. Starting daily record, in case I don't make it. Epic battle of wills begins. Must remain tower of strength, but with no big screen TV, odds are not good.

Will I ever see the sun again? Think I'm losing weight.

Tuesday. Day the second. Still confined in room, except for quick seven-hour break to attend school. Trading one prison for another.

Lovely bluebird remains perched outside my window, symbol of eternal hope and beauty, singing his joyous song of freedom. Wish I had my be-be gun.

DVD player removed, left with only basic cable. My evil overlord's cruelty knows no bounds.

Wednesday. Day the third. This solitude is driving me mad. What I wouldn't give to fill my lungs with fresh air, or to feel the thrill of tossing a cinder block from an overpass. The simple joys of life I miss most of all.

Only three oatmeal cookies for dessert. Feel faint.

Thursday. Day the fourth. Granted limited release to general house area and grounds. Apology demanded by evil warlord, i.e., Mom, but not forthcoming. Must remain strong. Her underestimation of me will be her downfall.

Friday. Day the fifth. Apology delivered, but had fingers crossed. All's fair in war.

Extra scoop of ice cream for dessert. Evil nemesis, aka "Mom", bested once again.

                                                              Artist's rendition of Evil Warlord.

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