Friday, January 24, 2014

Freda and The Beatles

My mom made me watch this documentary called Good Ol' Freda.
Documentaries and I usually don't mix, but my mom promised me a neopolitan ice cream sandwich if I didn't get ants in my pants.

Turns out Freda was a secretary for a band called The Beatles. Never heard of them, but my mom says they were pretty good. She said she used to have all their records, whatever that means.

There were four of them: John Lemon, Bingo Starr, the cute one, and the one I forget. They started out in a club that was really a basement, singing songs and such, in Liverpool, England, Great Britain.  Freda said they were really nice, but she said John could be a grumpy arse, as they sometimes say in England.

Well, The Beatles paid their dues for several long months, and then became real famous, eventually moving out of the basement and performing in bigger venues, as we say in the music business. They received lots of fan mail, and lots of requests for samples of hair. Maybe that's why they wore their hair so long. Ha ha.

It was Freda's job to answer the mail, and to write The Beatles Fan Club Booklet, and such, and by all accounts she did a good job. Over the years she got many requests to spill the beans on "The Lads", as they were sometimes called, but she kept her lip buttoned, respecting their privacy, and never making a dime.

Until this movie came out? Who knows? But I hope she does make some money, since she seems like a nice person. She said she wanted to make the movie so's her grandson would know she used to work for The Beatles, and wasn't just a lyin' old bag making stuff up. (My words.) Good enough reason, but a little money would be nice too.

So if you've never heard of this band called The Beatles, I guess this movie is as good a place as any to start. There's a little bit of music in it that's not too bad. And Freda seems like a nice person.

Now where's my ice cream sandwich? 

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